©Art and Carrd design by Jenihara
Al comisionarme automáticamente estas aceptando mis términos y condiciones.
Última actualización Diciembre/2024
For english TOS click here:
✎ES TU RESPONSABILIDAD como cliente leer mis Terminos y condiciones. Realizando el pago automáticamente estás aceptando mis TOS.✎MIS HORARIOS
12:00pm- 18:00pm UTC -6 (Ciudad de México)
•Descanso Sábados y Domingos
Puede que no conteste fuera de estos horarios a menos que tu comisión tenga RUSH FEE.
Por favor, le solicito respetar mis horarios de trabajo y evitar solicitar avances fuera del tiempo establecido. Tenga en cuenta que no estoy trabajando únicamente en su comisión, sino en varias a la vez.Si le he mencionado que me pondré en contacto con usted, le agradezco su paciencia y comprensión mientras espera mi mensaje.✎ Asegúrate que tu presupuesto coincida con mis precios. NO HAGO DESCUENTOS.✎ PRECIOS Y PROMOCIONES:Los precios varían dependiendo de las promociones, ya sea en Twitter, Instagram o Facebook, si miraste algún precio o promo en alguna de estas redes , debes contactarme por la misma red social.✎ IVA El iva no está incluido en los precios, estos serán añadidos al precio final sólo si ordernas en Paypal o Vgen✎ Todo el proceso se habla por la red donde hayas visto la promo o publicidad (fb,twitter o ig) en mensajes privados.✎ PAGO El pago se realizará en USD ya través de Paypal.
O por transferencia bancaria México.
Todas las comisiones se empiezan con el pago completo o 50%/50% dependiendo de la comisión. No se realizan trabajos sin un adelanto.
*Los productos en PROMOCIÓN el pago es al 100%.
Si eres de México, puede ser transferencia bancaria.
✎ NO HAY REEMBOLSOS una vez hecho el pago no hay devoluciones si ya se ha realizado algún avance.✎ Política de Terminación y Cancelación de Comisiones::
Como artista, me reservo el derecho de terminar o cancelar una comisión en curso si se presenta alguna de las siguientes situaciones:♥El cliente no proporciona las indicaciones o referencias necesarias al inicio de la comisión.
♥Se ha avanzado en la comisión, pero el progreso no cumple con las expectativas del cliente debido a la falta de información o a requisitos que no se ajustan a mis términos y condiciones previamente acordados.
♥El cliente no aporta el feedback solicitado, generando conflictos en la dirección creativa del proyecto.
♥No es posible cumplir con las expectativas del cliente porque no cumple con los requisitos especificados.
♥Si me veo en la necesidad de cancelar la comisión por alguna de estas razones, no se realizará reembolso y la comisión se entregará en su estado actual.✎ Cláusula de cancelación por inactividad y nula comunicación:
Si el cliente no responde en un plazo de 3 meses después de haber realizado el pago o no ha enviado la información requerida para su comisión, se considerará que ha abandonado el proyecto. En consecuencia, no habrá reembolso, la comisión quedará cancelada, y el espacio reservado será liberado para otros clientes en la lista de espera. Si el cliente desea reanudar el proyecto después de este periodo, se aplicará una tarifa extra por reactivación del servicio, debido a los inconvenientes ocasionados.✎ MODIFICACIONES : Cada trabajo en boceto cuenta con **3 **modificaciones, una vez utilizadas las siguientes modificaciones tienen costo extra (varía dependiendo del tipo de comisión).✎ COMO CLIENTE ES TU RESPONSABILIDAD si usas mi arte o trabajo para que otro artista lo use para otra cosa, el artista debe dar créditos al usar mi trabajo.
Ejemplo: Si el otro artista hace un banner con el logo que me comisionó, el debe de darme créditos al usar su trabajo como portafolio ó no mostrarlo como otra opción.✎ Puede usar la ilustración de todas las formas que desee, pero no puede modificar, cortar o borrar mi marca de agua / firma y tiene que darme los creditos (debe etiquetar mi página).✎ NO PUEDES modificar la ilustración incluso si pagaste por ella, por respeto al artista y no digas que hiciste la ilustración.
Si ganaste un giveaway de algún dibujo o arte mio, NO PUEDES modificarlo.✎ Estás de acuerdo en usar tu encargo para promover mi trabajo.✎ USO COMERCIAL: No puedes vender productos con mi arte, cualquier uso comercial lleva cierto % de acuerdo al precio final. Debes avisar primero si es uso comercial.
Tipos de usos:
♥Small streamer or Content creator 15+USD
♥Content Creator monetization for BIG channels 30+USD
♥Commercial: Merchandise / ads / prints etc 50+USD✎ USO PRIVADO:
Cualquier uso privado lleva cierto % de acuerdo al precio final.
Debes avisar primero si es uso privado.✎ No puedes usar ninguna imagen o dibujo de mi arte o encargos que hice si no eres el propietario.✎ ENTREGAS, IMPORTANTE se entregarán por medio de un email o link de descarga.✎ WAIT LIST: Te daré a conocer la waitlist y tendrás que esperar a tu lugar para empezar a trabajar con tu proyecto. Si deseas rapidez o te urge un trabajo se te hará un coste extra por el servicio que se acordará anteriormente.
La reposición de archivos por perdida tiene un costo extra de 10usd.
✤ Términos de precios ✤
✚ Precios base, pueden cambiar según la complejidad de la comisión.
✚ % extra para Furry.
✚ % extra para Fondo complejo.
✚ % extra para Otro personaje.
✚ % adicional para sin referencias visuales.
✚ % extra para Armadura compleja.
✚ % extra para uso privado.
✚ % adicional para Uso comercial.
✚ Si tienes una fecha de entrega concreta inferior a 1 semana, se cobrará un porcentaje extra.
⊗ NSFW: debes tener 18 años (no se permiten personajes menores de edad, solo 18+).
Furry | Mechas |
Nsfw | Nsfw Personajes -18 |
Yaoi & Yuri | |
Gore |
©Art and Carrd design by Jenihara
By commissioning me, you're automatically accepting my Terms of Service.
Last update December/2024
✎ It is your responsability as client to read my TOS, by doing the payment, you automatically accept my terms and conditions.✎MY WORKING HOURS
12:00pm- 18:00pm UTC -6 (México City)
•Rest days: Saturdays and Sundays
I may not respond outside of these hours unless your commission has a RUSH FEE.
Please kindly respect my working hours and refrain from requesting previews outside the agreed timeframe. Kindly note that I am not working exclusively on your commission but on several at the same time.If I have mentioned that I will reach out to you, I kindly ask for your patience and understanding while you wait for my message.✎ Make sure your budget matches my prices. NO DISCOUNTS.✎ PRICES & PROMOS: Prices can change depending on the promos, whether on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, if you looked at a price or promo on any of these networks, you must contact me through the same social network .✎ TAXES: are not included in the prices, these will be added to the final price only if you order through Paypal or Vgen.✎ PAYMENT Payment will be made in USD and through Paypal.
If you're from México, can be bank transfer.
You can order via Twitter, Facebook or Vgen.
Normal commissions can be 50% / 50% of payments.
Commissions in promo the payment is 100%.**
✎ NO REFUNDS once the payment is complete, no exceptions.✎ Policy on Termination and Cancellation of Commission:
As an artist, I reserve the right to terminate or cancel an ongoing commission if any of the following situations arise:♥The client does not provide the necessary instructions or references at the start of the commission.
♥Progress has been made on the commission, but it fails to meet the client's expectations due to insufficient information or requirements that do not align with my established terms and conditions.
♥The client does not provide the requested feedback, causing conflicts in the creative direction of the project.
♥It is not possible to fulfill the client’s expectations because the client does not meet my requirements.
♥If I am required to cancel the commission due to any of these reasons, no refund will be provided, and the commission will be delivered in its current state.✎ Cancellation Clause Due to Inactivity and Lack of Communication:
If the client does not respond within 3 months after making the payment or fails to provide the required information for their commission, the project will be considered abandoned. Consequently, there will be no refund, the commission will be canceled, and the reserved slot will be released for other clients on the waiting list. If the client wishes to resume the project after this period, an extra reactivation fee will apply due to the inconveniences caused.✎ MODIFICATIONS : Each commission counts with **3 **modifications, extra modifications come at an extra cost (different rates depending on the type of commission).✎ CLIENT RESPONSABILITY can use they work as they wish, but if you give my work to another artist, you have to inform the other artist to give me credits of using my work.
✎ The commission may be used in any way you desire, modifications such as: Recolor, cutting, removing watermarks/signature are prohibited. (Must give credit by linking my profile).✎ You can't use any image or drawing of my art or any other commissions i've worked on, unless you pay for it.
If you won a giveaway of any drawing or art of mine, You can't modify it either.✎ You agree to use your commission to promote my work.✎ COMMERCIAL USE: You cant sell products with my art, any commercial use charges a % according to the final price. You have to ask first.Types of permits
♥Small streamer or Content creator 15+USD
♥Content Creator monetization for BIG channels 30+USD
♥Commercial: Merchandise / ads / prints etc 50+USD
Any private use charges a % according to the final price.
You have to ask first.✎ You can't use my art if you are not the owner.✎ FILES DELIVERY, IMPORTANT files will be delivered through email or link.✎ WAIT LIST : I will let you know the waitlist and you will have to wait for your place to start working with your project. If you want speed on you commission, an extra cost will be added for the service that will be agreed previously.✎ LOST YOUR FILES?:
The replacement of files due to loss has an extra cost of 10usd.
✤ Prices Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the commission.
✚ Extra % for ** Furry.
✚ Extra % for ** Complex background.
✚ Extra % for ** Another character.
✚ Extra % for no visual references.
✚ Extra % for ** Complex Armor.
✚ Extra % for private use.
✚ Extra % for Commercial use.
✚ If you have a specific delivery date less than 1 week, an extra percentage will be charged.
⊗ NSFW: You must be 18 years old (no underage characters, only 18+).
I DO | I DON'T |
Furry | Mechas |
Nsfw | Nsfw Characters -18 |
Yaoi & Yuri | |
Gore |
©Art and Carrd design by Jenihara
1 Bundle
Full render chibi pngtuber
Closed Mouth & Open Mouth
2 Bundle
Full render chibi pngtuber
Closed Mouth & Open MouthClosed Mouth Blinking & Open Mouth Blinking
3 Bundle
Full render anime pngtuberClosed Mouth & Open MouthClosed Mouth Blinking & Open Mouth Blinking
❥• 2048px 2048+ PNG CHIBI or ANIME version
30+ USD
Fullbody Full Render
50+ USD
✤ Pricing Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the commission.
✚ Extra % for ** Furry.
✚ Extra % for ** Complex background.
✚ Extra % for ** Another character.
✚ Extra % for no visual references.
✚ Extra % for ** Complex Armor.
✚ Extra % for private use.
✚ Extra % for Commercial use.
✚ If you have a specific delivery date less than 1 week, an extra percentage will be charged.
❥• Chibi Avatar you will receive 3000x3000px+ HD.
20- 40 USD per icon (headshot)
Cartoon Pet
40 - 60 USD Headshot
80 - 90 USD Full Body
Single Pet Semi Realistic
60- 80 USD Headshot
80 - 100 USD Full Body
Two Pets
100 USD Headshot
150 USD Full Body
❥• Icon you will receive icon 1000x1000px HD.
❥•Cartoon you will receive Cartoon 3000x3000px HD.
❥•Semi Realistic Fullbody & Headshots you will receive your draw on 3000x3000px HD
❥•Two Pets you will receive your draw on 3000x4000px HD.
180+ USD Half Body
200+ USD Full Body.
✤ Pricing Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the commission.
✚ Extra % for ** Extra version (with clothes).
✚ Extra % for ** Furry.
✚ Extra % for ** Sexual toys.
✚ Extra % for ** Showing detailed Genitals.
✚ Extra % for ** Soft Gore.
✚ Extra % for ** Complex background.
✚ Extra % for ** Another character.
✚ Extra % for no visual references.
✚ Extra % for ** Complex Armor.
✚ Extra % for private use.
✚ Extra % for Commercial use.
✚ If you have a specific delivery date less than 1 month, an extra percentage will be charged.
Arte y Marca propiedad de Jenihara
Simple pack with 4 badges
35 USD
Simple pack with 5 badges
80 USD
❥• Contact me before ordering and we can decide what you want.❥•Provide a reference or describe each emote you want (expressions of poses, etc.).❥•Please send me a reference photo of the characters.
❥• You will get an Emote or Badges in 1000x1000 px png or any other resolution you need.Receive files with transparent backgrounds, ready to upload to twitch:BADGES (72x72px, 36x36px, 18x18px) + 1000x1000px (extra size).
20 USD Headshot
30 USD Halfbody
40 USD Fullbody
35 USD Halfbody
45 USD Halfbody
60 USD Fullbody
✤ Pricing Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the commission.
✚ Extra % for private use.
✚ Extra % for Commercial use.
✚ If you have a specific delivery date less than 1 month, an extra percentage will be charged.
❥• The same requirements apply as BADGES and EMOTES
❥•Gifs of the animations will be delivered in 250x250px, either with a transparent background or not.
❥•Ready to use in your channel as alerts.
❥• Does not include alert sound
Base prices PNG logos
15 USD Simple logos
25 USD Standard logos
35 USD Complex logos
PSD files includes layers.
Prices depends of the tier
you have to say that you need your logo on AI first.
Check my gallery on vgen
Extra Terms and conditions of logos
In order to maintain the quality of my work, I kindly ask you to consider the suggestions I provide for your logo design. I understand that certain colors, graphics, or other elements might be desired, but they are not always viable or may not enhance the final result. I deeply value your trust in my work and style, and my priority is always to create a logo that looks professional and visually appealing.
10 USD Simple Signature
-Simple text
-1 simple graphic element or details
15 USD Complex Signature
-Text with effects
-3 complex details and graphic elements like characters etc.
Important info about logos below
Sending your references I will make a finished BASE/PROPOSAL logo as a suggestion.
❥•Logos includes 3 small changes, no psd included.
Changes counts as: Color change, Delete or add simple graphics, moving graphics etc.
❥•Extra Changes cost 3usd+ depending of complexity.Extra Changes counts as: Create new graphics, add more details, font changes etc.
❥•Want variations of your logo?Variations have extra cost, depends of complexity.
❥•No references for your logo, need wips, bigger changes?
My logos are cheap cause client send references and i work with a proposal of that. If you dont count with all creative ideas i can do the creative process, but have an extra cost: Starts from 80usd-100usdIncludes brainstorm, sketches, wips etc.
HD 4000px x 4000px + (depends of size) PNG logo❥•Details
Signature base price 10+ USD
One color, simple text and design
Simple logo base price: 15+ USD
Simple text, 1 simple graphic elements or details
Standard logo base price 25+ USD
Text with effects, 2 simple details and graphics
Complex logo base price: 35+ USD
Text with effects, 3 complex details & graphic elements, like characters etc
❥•Prices changes depends of complex or Extra fee: Commercial use
Types or commercial use:
Small streamer or content creator 15 USD
Cotnent creator monetization for BIG channels
Commercial: Merchandise - ads -prints etc 50 USD
Private 100 USD❥•Commercial use extra fee:
20+ depends of complex, big channels, shops etc.
❥•You can ask for a PSD file of your logo for separated layers or animation 20+USD
❥•Different colors of same logo 5-10+USD❥•Important Info for your logo! NO EXEPTIONS, please add all info.
Send reference images and what you are looking for (can be moodboard, existent logos u like etc)
•Text in the logo
•Color palette
•Icons you want
•Specifics details that need to be in the logo
•Aesthetic wanted
•Font (If you have a suggestion) or you chan choose one of my portfolio
Sending all your references I will make a SURPRISE logo
same as normal logos but NO changes, NO communication, as its a surprise me logo , i use all references to create a logo so please be very specific about your commission and add all details as posible.
Channel Panels
Only graphics
From 5+ USD
Chibi headshot+Graphic Panel
25+ USD
Chibi Halfbody +Graphic Panel
Chibi Full body +Graphic Panel
❥• Extra fee:
Graphic Art
Chibi headshot
Chibi Halfbody
Chibi Full body
❥•Remember to send all the information (networks and data), to make your panels.
❥•Panels will be delivered to you ready to use on your Stream Channel.✤ Pricing Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the commission.
✚ Extra % for Furry.
✚ Extra % for Another character.
✚ Extra % for no visual references.
✚ Extra % for Complex Armor.
✚ Extra % for private use.
✚ Extra % for Commercial use.
✚ If you have a specific delivery date less than 1 week, an extra percentage will be charged.
Depending on the complexity
1 Overlay
30 - 100 USD
✤ Pricing Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the commission.
✚ Extra % for ** Complex background.
✚ Extra % for ** Another character.
✚ Extra % for no visual references.✚ Extra % for Animation.
✚ Extra % for private use.
✚ Extra % for Commercial use.
✚ If you have a specific delivery date less than 1 week, an extra percentage will be charged.
❥• They are delivered ready to use in your stream in HD.
❥• The price will vary depending on the complexity.
❥• The following terms apply:
Nail art hands
30+ USD
✤ Pricing Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the commission.
✚ Extra % for ** changing base hands**.
✚ Extra % for no visual references.
✚ Extra % for private use.
✚ Extra % for Commercial use.
✚ If you have a specific delivery date less than 1 week, an extra percentage will be charged.
❥• They are delivered ready to use in your stream or in VtubeStudio
❥•Format: PNG
Carrd Design
40+ USD
✤ Pricing Terms ✤
✚ Base prices, they can change according to the complexity of the design.